Audio Engineers Damper Kinetic series

Audio Engineers Damper Kinetic are vibration-damping masses and EMI absorbers that effectively reduce vibrations and EMI disturbances in electronic components of the audio devices. Vibrations can also come from an audio device’s power source (transformer) and can be the result of the movement of sound propagating in the air when the sound is reflected from the furniture and other objects. These vibrations in the air cause interference and noise in the audio devices, which degrades the listening experience. 

Damper Kinetic with unique Micro-balls technology can be used to effectively reduce the vibration of source devices, amplifiers, projectors, center, bookshelf, and floor standing speakers and subwoofers. Damper Kinetic simply and effectively converts the kinetic energy of vibrations to low-level heat.

For audio devices, Damper Kinetics also acts as a “shield” against EMI and, as a result, reduces the effects of electromagnetic waves due to the special internal composition. Damper Kinetic provides enhanced vibration control and EMI reduction across a wide frequency range.

Damper Kinetic is available in two different sizes and weights, so it can be used for a wide range of audio devices and speakers.

For heavy-weight audio devices and speakers, Damper Kinetics can be stacked thanks to their slim design, which increases vibration-damping efficiency.

Damper Kinetic absorbers are available for € 99 (5 lbs) and € 129 (10 lbs).