Another audiophile visit from our friend Wilson Ng. Wilson writes: “Yesterday I participated in a hi-fi tea chat (Yamcha) that has been an ongoing audiophile gathering since 1976. Tony Tsui Ka Wah, who was only 21 at the time of his first Yamcha meeting 45 years ago, is now the group’s chairman, responsible for organizing the meeting each week.”

“Over the years, many have migrated either to heaven or elsewhere. I am said to be the longest and oldest surviving member. After Yamcha, some of us visited Tony cave as seen. Like all audiophiles, he is constantly upgrading his system for the best sound. 

The last time I was with him was over 2 years ago. Needless to say, he has achieved a more coherent and atmospheric sound to everyone’s delight. 

He likes a clean and simple setup with no frills while being pleasing to the eyes and ears. This is now another place of fun and enjoyment for lovers of music. Be sure to take advantage of the opportunity for a trial here as soon as possible. You will not regret it. Hahaha !!!”