Rutherford Audio writes “The new 159 Mono Blocks are Burmester’s most powerful amplifier ever built. The original concept, first shown at the Munich High-End show in 2016, was much more similar to the 909s in design. Like all Burmester products, they go through a concept phase then eventually over years of hard work come to the open market and into the hands of Burmester’s loyal customers and those looking for the best. We expect these new amplifiers to ship in 2018.

The 159’s are not as tall as the 909 but are much more substantial in stature being much deeper and very much heavier, estimated at 300+ lbs. A fascinating design element is a sliding top on the 159’s. In order to power on the unit, you slide the massively heavy top towards the back, exposing the power lever and all the multiple damping factor settings of this world first design.

Grab a hold of the power handle, something you would expect to see on a space ship, and you pull the lever forward to turn on the power that is the Burmester 159. These Mono-blocks were design of Dieters that he had been working on for years, I recall getting a phone call from Dieter back in the winter of 2011 while I was enjoying the snow in Whistler, he was so excited to tell me about the epiphany he had and how amazing this great new design was going to be. The amazing team of engineers at Burmester were able to complete on this project.
After the unveiling came drinks and social time and the time to oodle over the new BC350 speakers driven by the 159s. The 350’s are quite the masterful piece of work and are likely not quite finished as their first introduction was just months ago! You can read more about the 350s here.