New FM Acoustics Resolution Series® 2118 ultimate power amplifier!

FM Acoustics revealed at the Munich HiFiDelux Munich 2019 something extraordinary. FM Acoustics writes: “The most incredible precision power amplifier ever. FM ACOUSTICS’ status uncontested leader in precision amplification was established through persistent research, development and meticulous craftsmanship – for 45 years. 

The culmination of all this experience: the splendid 2118. 

“Maybe a bit crazy of a project, but then the Resolution Series® 2118 provides an “out of this “World” music appreciation. 
This audio jewel will be crafted for the few aficionados who possess very large auditoriums and high accuracy but low efficiency speakers that present a very difficult load.
The 2118 operates with an FM 266 MKII-RC or an FM 268 C. This allows the splendid 2118 to optimally reveal its phenomenal performance. 
The 2118 is the ultimate expression of FM ACOUSTICS’ mission to create musical master pieces.
To attain ultimate performance a pair of this amplifiers – probably the world’s most powerful precision – require four (4) separate main circuits – each capable to supply 16A at 230V. 
The impressive data can in no way represent the actual reproduction accuracy of the splendid 2118. Of course, the the Resoluikon Series 2118 delivers unbelievable dynamics with complete ease and unparalleled control of the diaphragms. Utterly astounding, however, is that this is combined with and incredible lifelike presence and “be There” experience for which no technical terms – nor words – exist. 
It will enjoy the status as the most amazing power amplifier ever crafted.  

A few specifications of the Resolution Series® 2118

Minimum Power Output:
Precision mono amplifier. As a general indication of capability, the numbers below are measured into resistive load while operating with continuous music or continuously repetitive toneburst. 
These ratings. however. cannot fully represent the actual performance when driving precision transducers*.
2000 W/peak into 8 Ohm
4000 W/peak into 4 Ohm 
7000 W/peak into 2 Ohm
12000 W/peak into 1 Ohm
1000 W/RMS into 8 Ohm
2000 W/RMS into 4 Ohm
3500 W/RMS into 2 Ohm 
Input: Proprietary floating ground 

Input Sensitivity: 1,6RMS for full output

Max. Audio Output Voltage: 360 Vpp

Max Audio Output Current: 

Absolutety unlimited Peak current (over 600A peaks have been measured’) allows the FM 2118 to drive any known load at peak performance level without any strain, harshness or any other negative influence on the audio signal. 
There are no fuses or limiters in the amplifier or power supply circuitry,   absolutely no form of curent limiting, voltage limiting or any other kind of limiting is employed which is one reason for the breathtaking dynamic rendering 
Distortion: 0.003% THD 
Load impedance:
Designed for > 1Ohmm to 10’000 Ohm systems Can drive any speaker impedance – dynamic, electrostatic, ribbon, planar etc – without any limiting, compression or other negative effects o the audio signal. 
Amplifier is protected against short circuits and other adverse conditions via a unique on system that continuously surveys all important parameters. This system assures the amplifier is always working optimally. 
Power Consumption: 
– At idle: less than 400W/RMS
– At 30% power:  3600 W/RMS
– At nominal power: 7200 W/RMS
– With dynamic signals: 20000 W/RMS
Input: By special cable (supplied with the amplifier)
Outputs: By special cable (supplied with the amplifier)
Mains Supply Requirement (for each mono amp): 
– 2 x 16 A cont., 160Apeak at 200-230V 
– 2 x 32 A cont., 320°6peak at 100-120V 
Burn-in Time at Factory: Minimum 200 hours (1000 thermal cycles) 
Vibration Test at Factory: Minimum 60 minutes (50’000 vibration cycles) 
Spare Parts Availability: Guaranteed available for a minimum of 10 years. Guaranteed ex stock availability of 99% of all individual parts. 
Weight: about 100 kg plus special rack – supplied with amplifier 
Dimensions: 500 mm wide, 650 mm high, 600 mm deep
IEC, DIN and Standards of MIL (Military) components used: 

*Note: With music signal. the FM 2118 will work on two massive domestic power outlets To achieve the ultimate performance and specifications above a pair of FM 2118 requires four mains supply lines that each can provide 16A at 200-240V (or 3M at 100-120v).