The Coltrane Tenor 2 is built on the best technology from all our speakers. The cabinet is super-rigid thanks to Kevlar honeycomb sandwiched between carbon fibre laminate – just like the Coltrane Supreme 2. A pure aluminium plate between the solid wood front and the Valchromat fibreboard inside makes for an equally rigid front and incredibly stable sound.

Inside you’ll find the Cell technology that we developed with Accuton especially for the Coltrane Supreme 2. The ceramic mid range is exactly the same as in the Coltrane 3. And the diamond tweeters and ceramic bass units are from the Coltrane Supreme 2. In other words, the technology doesn’t come any better.

Yet for the Coltrane Tenor 2 we’ve managed to push performance even further. To minimise vibration, we’ve chosen to sit the stainless steel stands on Black Diamond Racing pucks and cones. Meanwhile, we’ve chosen the best terminals on the market: WBT Nextgen with conductors made of pure silver.
The internal cabling is the best too – Jorma Design, with the option of upgrading to the flagship line Jorma Statement. And we’ve filled the inside with the just right amount of pure sheep’s wool to provide the perfect amount of dampening. The result is a speaker that does an even better job of reproducing reality – a speaker that sets a new benchmark for high-end audio.
The top-of-the-range Marten speakers on show include what chief designer Leif Olofsson describes as the company’s best yet: the Coltrane Tenor 2.
“The Coltrane Tenor 2 is built on the best technology from all our speakers and crafted with absolute reverence to the music,” explains Olofsson.
“The highlight is the crossover technique,” he continues. “Specifically developed for the Coltrane Supreme 2, it produces absolutely perfect time and phase coherence. More importantly, it also provides flawless time coincident.”
Show attendees can hear the stunning sound of the Coltrane Tenor 2 for themselves in the Marten room. Leif and his team will turn DJs for the course of the show, playing vinyl on a vintage, pimped-up Swiss player – a Thorens TD124 – as well as recordings from a Nagra 4S reel- to-reel player.
After hearing what the latest Marten technology can do, will you be able to resist the temptation of ordering a pair of Coltrane Tenor 2 speakers? The price is €75,000. Those wanting something extra special can order the €88,000 Statement Edition of the Coltrane Tenor 2 with Jorma Design’s flagship cables inside to provide even better sound. This is the model we will show in Munich together with Engström’s latest amplifier Erik.
There will also be a chance to experience two more brand-new high-end Marten speakers – both with phase and time coherent and coincident and first-order crossover with CELL technology. The Coltrane 3 speakers will feature in Swedish amplifier specialist Engström’s room. And the Mingus Quintet speakers can be found helping to show EMT’s world-renowned audio technology at its best.