Roon Audio Workshop at Audio Salon

The Audio Salon presents a collaborative learning event developed for the benefit of current and prospective Roon Labs users. This will be an interactive session for all levels of Roon experience and interest. Come hear from and talk directly to those on the cutting edge of digital audio. Guest speakers, hands on learning and new product introductions. More details to follow in the coming days.
Guest Presenters:
Chris Connaker (Founder of Computer Audiophile)
Rob Darling (Roon Labs)
John Quick (General Manager, Data Conversion Systems Americas (dCS))
Richard Liddell (Lead Hardware and Support at Audio Alchemy and Constellation Audio)
Vikas Bhavsar (Quality Control and Customer Service Manager for Constellation Audio)
Maier Shadi (Customer Service at The Audio Salon)
Sponsored by:
Computer Audiophile, The Audio Salon, dCS, Roon Labs, Audio Alchemy, Wilson Audio, Dan D’Agostino Master Audio Systems, Brinkmann, Constellation Audio, HRS Harmonic Resolution Systems and Transparent Cables.
Space will be limited, RSVP via email:
Or via text: ‪3108630863‬
Date / Time: Saturday, October 22, ‪12-6pm‬