S.A. Lab Blue Sapphire Integrated

Based on the newest Russian tetrode KT-150 SA Lab Blue Sapphire Integrated is the state-of-the-art integrated amplifier of really fantastic — boundless musical capabilities. According to SA Lab’s motto music is the way it is for Blue Sapphire Integrated. Nothing but music… Highest degree of musical expression and realism, raw energy and sharp graphics of dynamic macro- and micro-relief, perfect whole frequency spectrum control beginning from deepest lows to ultra-highs, subduing naturalness of timbre and spacious acoustical drawings and rarest combination of sound athleticism and musical aristocratism are the main and incontestable Blue Sapphire Integrated’s advantages.
Blue Sapphire’s heart and most important part is unique output transformer produced by Mr. Syomin’s hands by using high quality iron from South Korea and especially for this project. Each channel transformer’s weight is 12 kg (24 kg in total). Designer has decided to utilize the newest Russian tetrode KT-150 (Saratov) as output tubes solely after finishing the work on output transformers.
There are four KT-150 in push-pull design (two per channel, one at a shoulder). To make the most out of KT-150 head of Sa Lab have had to provide high voltage at the tube’s anode: 650 V. According to SA Lab’s philosophy as applied to company’s tube masterpieces the separate anode heating transformers are used to operate KT-150. Two 6072 (Saratov) work as input tubes, four 6F6 (NOS) are implemented at the driver stage.
High quality audiophile electrolytic capacitors Epcos are used; all other capacitors and resistors are made by Mr. Syomin’s hands from selected wire and graphite.
Armour-like beautiful sculptural plywood chassis (much the same as White Knight and 300B SE have) is painstakingly decorated by high gloss black lacquer and (amplifier’s front and top) 10-mm deep blue sapphire glass sheets.

Anybody who shot even a cursory glance on Blue Sapphire Integrated and heard the amplifier’s bewitching voice will never forget the strong impressions. Humans call such the sensual experience as «memorable». While listening to music with SA Lab Blue Sapphire Integrated it is hard not to exclaim «amazing!», «inimitable!!», «marvelous!!!»

Technical specifications
Output power (4/8 Ohm), W — 80/40
Frequency response, Hz — 2–150000
Signal-to-noise ratio, dB — 110
THD (max. power, 20–20000 Hz), % — 0,1
Dimensions, mm — 600 х 500 x 480
Weight, kg — 70