Sonner Audio At Holm Audio.

Sonner Audio Legato Duo speakers driven by Gold Note P1000MKII preamp with separate power supply, PA1175MKII power amp, Gold Note DS10 DAC with separate power supply, Nordost Valhalla2 Power cords, speaker cables, interconnects and USB Cable.  

“High End Audio is not only about price, sound, tonal balance or timbre. It is all about expressing emotion, experiencing music and stimulating your mind, body and soul. Sonner gets a job well done as a High-End Loudspeaker. Sonner Legato Duo made the guy in the middle sheds a tear after listening to his song selection “Redemption Song” by Monty Alexander. Thanks to Holm Audio team who believes that Legato Duo belongs to the same league as Nordost Valhalla2 and Gold Note reference preamp and power amplifier.”