Soulution writes: “Following our credo: do no add anything, do not omit anything, we challenged ourselves by asking the question: “Can we add less and omit less compared to what we have already achieved?” The new soulution 7 series products are new designs from ground up and do clearly outperform their highly praised predecessors. Key improvements for the new 727 preamplifier…”
- noise reduced by roughly 20dB,
- bandwidth pushed to 20MHz, thus reducing phase errors in the audio band,
- common mode rejection increased by 20dB,
- channel separation increased by 30dB,
- distortion not measurable
The sonic performance of the 727 preamplifier is pushed to yet another level. The soundstage gets wider and deeper with more air around instruments and performers. Higher resolution combines with a more lifelike musicality. There is even more heft and authority in the bass while smallest details get resolved with more delicacy.
Its innovative input stage improves the common mode rejection without compromising on noise performance as this would be the case with standard implementations and ensures that no detail of the music signal gets lost already at the inputs.
The noise level of the volume control could be reduced significantly. As for our previous preamplifier products, the 727 does have two volume controls on board. One volume control made from high precision metal foil resistors for lowest noise levels and another volume control with PGAs for click free volume adjustments.
A low distortion and ultra broadband class A output stage (20 MHz/– 3 dB, 1.5A) allows the 727 preamplifier to drive even long interconnects to power amplifiers.
Stable and quite power supplies are key for a reference preamplifier. The required voltages are generated by a highly efficient switched mode power supply and fast switching DC/DC regulators followed by ultralow noise local linear regulators.
soulution will be demonstrating the new 727 preamplifier at Highend in Munich in E107, Atrium4.1. The event takes place at the MOC Event Center Messe München, Lilienthalallee 40, 80939 München.
Retail price
- 727 preamplifier EUR 55’000 (inc. VAT 19%)
- 727 phono card EUR 9’500 (inc. VAT 19%)
Production start expected for Q4/2023