Flanked by BKK audiophiles at Vichien Naam den.

Wilson Ng takes us further on the fantastic high-end audio journey…
“Yesterday Wednesday 8th Fabruary 2017, I was invited to Vichien Naam who is a noted Cosmetic Manufacturer in Bangkok to his huge mansion. He just bought a Genesis Forte for only one month driving with an Integrated Jeff Rowland Amplifier in his 400 foot music room approx.”

On entering his den, the music sounded harsh and bright. At first I thought it’s not run in. Later, I found out that his 3 walls are all glass and his floor is concrete and the ceiling is untreated. After listening for a while, I asked Naam to pull down all the curtains in front and on the left.

Voila !!! The sound from unlistenable to musical sensation all of a sudden. Everybody noticed the sound was no more harsh and attacking. Still needed more tweaking to get the depth, the soundstage and layering of instruments. 
Being a successful user of a similar speaker, The Genesis One I know what is should sound like. So I suggested to move the speakers by small increments 4 – 6 inches apart and move them out 2- 3 more feet out of the front wall. The room being not so wide, the speakers can be very slightly toed-in to get a better focus. And the floor to have a very thin carpet with the right side wall to change to a drop-down curtain like it’s on the left. 
Of course must do it one at a time. Certainly never over do it. For me, I also depend on my friends to get things right. Now let’s talk about The Forte Speaker. If it’s done right it can be as good as the big Genesis in a smaller room. In this respect, Gary Koh has successfully invented his baby. Cheers !!!
With Naam by the side of his baby.
Hanss turntable designed in Germany and made in HK. Bought in BKK.
All expensive buildings like in HK has only a small room for hifi. See how Naam must put his VPI Record Cleaner in his toilet near his den. Aesthetic Phono preamp and Jeff Rowland Intregrated Amp.
Some of the local music and noted soloists.