The Sound Of Ypsilon at the Munich High-End Audio show. Main room: Atrium 4.1 * Room E110 Ypsilon SET-100 Ultimate 120w Single-Ended Class A hybrid amplifier┃Ypsilon PST-100 MKII SE preamplifier┃Ypsilon VPS-100 SE phonostage with MC-10L SE step up transformer┃Ypsilon CDT-100 CD player/transport ┃Ypsilon DAC 1000 SE D to A converter┃Kaiser Acoustics KaWeRo Grande speakers┃TechDAS Air Force One Premium turntable & Graham Engineering Elite tonearm.
- ZENSATI (Atrium 4.2 * Room F213). Ypsilon SET-100 Ultimate 120w Single-Ended Class A hybrid amplifier┃Ypsilon PST-100 MKII preamplifier┃Ypsilon VPS-100 phonostage with MC-10 step up transformer┃Ypsilon CDT-100 CD player/transport ┃Ypsilon DAC 1000 D to A converter
- WBT (Atrium 4.1 * Room E126) Ypsilon AELIUS II SE push-pull hybrid mono block power amplifier┃Ypsilon VPS-100 TA SE phonostage