I never hide my soft spot about the high-end audio products, that are designed and manufactured in the Land Of The Rising Sun. So when Yoshi Hontani from Acoustic Revive inquired if I’ll be interested in reviewing the Acoustic Revive XLR Absolute FM PC-TripleC/EX cables I was happy to oblige.

As you’ll read on, a lot of efforts and R & D went into creations of these XLR cables from Japan. I’ve been known for my interest and explorations of the upper echelon cables and cables in general. I like and love to explore different takes on the cable design, but it’s always enthusing if there is more material to dig deeper. With PC-TripleC/EX there was a lot of technical aspects to digest and contemplate upon. On top of that, the Japanese way of thinking, developing and designing is different. Like me, many of you are drawn with the rich history of creating one of the kind items like Katana swords, Urushi lacquer etc. There’s no doubt, that a lot of this DNA is still there and this is evident in the way the products are created.
After our initial correspondence with Yoshi-san, a few weeks later the package from Japan arrived and the journey has started. There is always an underlying question of how many hours of “burning in” are mandatory for high-end audio cables to act properly. As proven over the years there is some effect and benefit of using cable burners. It also helps to “torture” new cables with constant sine wave signal, but there is simply no substitution of letting the music do the job. I’ll leave the doubting minds at their own pace and let the curious and open minds to explore the further nectar. 


In collaboration with the Promotion Works from Japan Acoustic Revive has achieved an ultra-wide-range playback and unprecedented transmission speed, that is connected with the implementation of unique Pure Copper-Continuous Crystal Construction, where current flow is serialized in the transverse direction through the crystal structure and forging of silver and copper. The end result, as Acoustic Revive writes reaches the superconducting level of 105% IACS…


The PC – Triple C / EX conductor has arrived an amazing conduction rate. It has overwhelming conduction rate of 105%.
The newly developed highest grade original connector plugs. Solder-less clamping type plug with vibration damping structure with a combination of two different metals(duralumin & Brass) and carbon fiber, and non-magnetic silver+rhodium plating.
The electrode part of the plug is made of Tellurium copper that is known as the highest conductivity electrode material(57% against 38% of a brass electrode)
This cable employs the noise elimination function (soft magnetic noise removal material FINEMET beads). This is the world’s first cable with noise elimination function.
Solid single-core conductor that prevent the generation of stray current. Perfect shielding by a flexible copper tube that is overwhelmingly thick and has much better shielding effect than ordinary mesh or copper-foil shielding. The inner damper tube is the finest silk fabric knitted by Japanese manufacturer who supplies knit to a luxury brand of Paris Fashion Week.
The black meshed tube is containing a maximum possible amount of carbon that makes a high shielding and antistatic effect.


PC-TripleC/EX – An entirely new audio cable material made from copper and silver in a two-layer structure. PC-triple C (Pure Copper -Continuous Crystal Construction)
The two layers of PC-TripleC/EX (Pure Copper-Continuous Crystal Construction/EXTRA) are comprised of an inner core of PC-Triple C linked crystal oxygen free copper and an outer layer of 5N (99.999%) pure silver.
The conductivity is 105.0 IACS%. The specific gravity is 9.5.
Aside from the ultimate quality of both the copper and silver employed, PC- TripleC/EX differs from commonly used silver plated wires in another highly critical way: In common silver plated wires the boundary between the silver and copper is not uniform, with silver atoms and copper atoms interpenetrating each other by several microns. Thus, the signal flowing through this boundary area is transmitted alternately between copper and silver, and will not be stable.
PC-TripleC/EX limits the transmission of the high-frequency band attenuated by the skin effect exclusively to the silver portion of the conductor. This combination with PC-TripleC at the core enables broadband transmission of the highest possible resolution.


Craftsmanship from Japan, a world first! By using traditional Japanese forging processes, a new ‘ultimate’ conductor has been produced.
Forging process
Copper is compressed to 70% by forging tens of thousands of times by gradual application of pressure with a fixed angle and direction. (The constant angle continuation transfer forging method). By using this forging process, the transverse crystal grain boundary changes and becomes more longitudinal, crystals now have consecutive connections which makes current flow extremely smooth.
In addition, by forging, the conductor density is dramatically improved by destroying the internal air grains. This, in turn, improves the conductivity and the acoustic signature of the copper.
A conductor section before forging process
Electric current flow → → →
The crystal structure and grain boundaries that are formed in a transverse state are a disturbance to the electric current and signal transmission.
Electric current flow → → →
The Crystals and grain boundaries that were in a transverse state are elongated and become more longitudinal when they are forged repeatedly in the same direction.
After 50% forging

Electric current flow → → →
By further continuous forging, crystal structures and grain boundaries are subdivided and lined up longitudinally which generates a smoother signal transmission.
Annealing process after core-wire processing

PC-TripleC wire after “Continuous Crystal Construction” process is further processed by Transfer Forging method for the thinner wire. Then Annealing process is carried out at a temperature and time control depending on a thickness of the wire. In result, crystals fuse each other and change into more consecutive crystal.


Yes, the cables are also not prone to the of usual music’s exposure. Like with the rest of the high-end audio products, its the sonic outcome, that determines their quality, value, and ability to serve the music.

Across different types of music and genres, PC-TripleC/EX acted within the same state of equilibrium. Not in the sense of being too Zen-like, but equal in the deliverance of the music. Although, as described later on, PC-TripleC/EX do have a slight warmish trait DNA, this is not in the realms of artificial warmness, but in the domain of natural. Think LED vs normal light bubble. Yes, LED light might deliver more of the white and bright light. But… Its artificial and it put a strain on the eyes. So while the first effect might be impressive, it’s not something that one can call natural. Same goes for the Acoustic Revive XLR cables under the review. They’re operating within the dimension of reality, that holds a surprising amount of right bits.

There are numerous attributes connected with the sound of a particular high-end audio cable, but if the basic tone is altered at its core than there is not a lot of ground to explore further.

The real nature of Acoustic Revive XLR Absolute FM PC-TripleC/EX  was quickly evident. Cables not only stayed within optimal cuing but have exhibited very potent nature to deliver the flow. Music can be so easily and to quickly “squashed” with the specific sonic signature of the cable. Like it or not, all of the cables will act as equalizer up to the certain point. That’s why it is of utmost importance to find the matching system, that cables can relate to. No escaping for a reviewer! The variety is a king… Along with reference system, there is a need of a variety of permanent components selection, that can suit the demeaning needs of evaluating and giving any product under review a fair chance to perform at it best.

Acoustic Revive XLR Absolute FM cables found a happy home between my reference MSB Technology Select DAC and Lamm M1.2 reference monoblocks as they did with The Bespoke Audio Company Ultimate Silver Preamplifier addition. The Bespoke Audio Company preamplifier is utterly transparent and true to the source and certain cables can instantly step into a brittle territory. Especially with “off the shelf” silver cables.

Acoustic Revive XLR cables on contrary portrayed the music with the much-needed flow and equal balance, creating a highly involving experience even from the first few hours of the listening.

Donald Fagen – Morph The Cat might not be everyone’s cup of tea, but this particular album addresses many of my inner triggers for the musical intake. On top of it, the sound quality is out of the box. There are many attributes to be matched in order to deliver full-scale energetic deliverance of these songs and any cable’s shortcomings are easily deciphered. Acoustic Revive XLR Absolute FM PC-TripleC/EX cables revealed much needed constitutional sonic gradients and have allowed music to act in true continuance. Morph The Cat calls for the animated appeal to let the harmonies and rhythmic nature of the album to come at forte.  

Absolute FM PC-TripleC/EX cables have shown no in your face shortcomings across all of my reference tracks and albums regardles of the different genres. Among other qualities, they’ve able to act with a grander universal appeal, than the usual suspects. Not a small treat at all!


As much as some people try to avoid the real impact of the high-end audio cables, the importance cannot be neglected. Not anymore! At least this isn’t and shouldn’t be a mystery or of mythical realms. Anyone who wants to explore the real ability of upper echelon audio plane shouldn’t have his eyes and ears closed.

There is a hidden sonic potency connected with the PC-TripleC/EX cables, that is closely related to the natural attributes of the music. As described above, it’s not about the calmness, but about the vibrancy and naturalness. I’ve even “threw in” the warmness, that is too often missing even with some of the extreme cable offerings.

This is not the artificial warmness, that brings an instant dosage of lukewarm admission, but an equitably distributed impact.

Acoustic Revive XLR Absolute FM PC-TripleC/EX cables are very different performers. The unique capability within their audio veins makes them stand out and more worthy of consideration.

In the world of constant déjà vu, Absolute FM PC-TripleC/EX make a notable difference in absence of the usual mediocre variance. During the review, PC-TripleC/EX cables have acted with full consistency at all stages of insertion.

interesting table comparison of cable performance

There is no ultimate interconnect cable, that can act universally, but Acoustic Revive XLRs has proven again and again, that there is a path towards such challenge!

Isak Matej


9700 EURO (Including 20% VAT)


Sekiguchi Machinery Sales Co., Ltd.
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Gumma Pref.,

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