Ångstrom Research photos from Poland Audio show ignited much interest and here is as requested a bit more info and photos. Both innards and outer aesthetics are highly inspiring for many of us and as most of you commented; this is how tube gear should look like… I don’t know if most of you know this prolific Italian manufacturer. They been long around and produced quite some of the highly exotic high end audio products. Back in the days of the early head-fi Ångstrom Research made few ultra exotic statement headphone amplifiers, that were completely mind blowing. Roberto Garlaschi is around for decades and he not only highly skilled electronic designer, but has also repaired tons of high-end audio gear through the years.
I’ll put my focus on the company very soon with some of there products coming in for a review and will get deep into the mindset of Roberto Garlaschi via upcoming interview. Here is a photo set from their room with Diesis Audio. Stay tuned for more soon…