Another extreme listening experience and critical view

Today with my friends Matthias and Giovanni, we visited Pietro’s place…
Our perfect host is a long time music and audio lover and the proud owner of several nice pieces of gears: Montagna top of the line speakers, Be Yamamura Dionisio and amps/preamp, disk transport and DAC, Goldmund Apologue, Sakuma/Concord, Audio Tekne, Shindo Monbrison, Swiss Physics and Goldmund electronics… Pluto and Graham arms… and discs, discs, discs…
Montagna awesome building quality… majestic sound, with an excellent mid and high and a just fine low-end, possibly needing some further set-up attention to be up-to-par with upper ways.
A great listening, nonetheless.
The best of the crop in a classy environment… seldom seen and heard beauties, indeed.
The best sounding?
… such a good taste in music choosing…
I listened years ago to the smaller Dionisio with Mk 1 white cones speakers at a Milan audio fair, with Pierre Bolduc demonstrating them in a full packed, crowdy room.
Mixed feeling, I remember.
Nothing… NOTHING compared with Pietro’s Yamamura… perfect integration, effortless beauty, naturalness and dynamics… speedy low-end, silky, extended, extremely smooth and airy mids and highs… yet, a cohesion truly seldom heard but while listening to live music.
Right sized instruments, overall beauty.
Do you guess?
Would you imagine?
Thanking Pietro, Lucia, Matthias and Giovanni for the great day… a true 2016 musical highlight.
P.S. – I’m truly, sincerely amused… no: baffled and bemused! about how some forums-wannabes (who quite often never, ever listened to any serious set-up) still insist to call horns and wideband speakers as intercoms or PA speakers!
Everyone using something different from a B&W or an Avalon is labelled as a lunatic.
Disturbing flat-earth homogenising audio…
Ignorance and biased opinions reign… my humble five cents: don’t simply read and trust magazines, foruma, blogs or webzines!
Untired and unashamed, I suggest everyone to play a musical instrument, listen to live music, USE YOUR OWN EARS and trust whatever please you, folks!
Happy New Year everyone.
Stefano Bertoncello