ASKJA chooses Totaldac as internal DAC and streamer for their extravagant luxury high-end audio system

Asjka is a new ultra high end company that just reveal their full blown luxury ultra high end audio system, implementing Totaldac as internal DAC and streamer for their extravagant audio system. More info and exclusive photos…

PLAYER – An innovative hybrid DAC (Digital-to-Analog Converter) designed by renowned French manufacturer TOTALDAC. The Origin system will play a wide range of sources, including 24bit/192kHz. An Internet network connection is provided for use with NAS or a streaming music service, thanks to Roon interface.
AMPLIFIER – It simplify amplifies the music, cherishing the best of the recording’s texture, silkiness, openness, and dynamic contrasts. Let the artists come through untouched. An extremely difficult role to perform correctly, and often confused by those striving for a perfect measurement for the eyes to read, instead of respecting a path our ears will love when they hear it.
With the care and uncompromising attention to detail devoted to the integrity of the recording to this point in the system, the loudspeakers can genuinely shine and transform an electrical signal into the music that stirs our souls. That is, if the loudspeakers are properly engineered.
The Origin loudspeakers are composed of high performance transducers of a  very high quality. The composite materials used in the Formula One sector are molded into complex folds, and extensively tested to reduce parasitic resonances and diffraction, standing waves and harmonic distortion. At the same time, the combination of the enclosures and the transducers was tested to elegantly maximize a powerful dynamic range and emotional force.
The size of these loudspeakers is directly related to the impossibility on earth to realistically reproduce low frequencies, thus long wavelengths, without large volumes. All of the marketing surrounding “small” that has invaded the music reproduction industry in the last 30 years is extremely interesting in its prowess of miniaturization, but with disastrous results in even attempting to deliver on the veracity of a full-range, convincing presentation of a live performance. The height of an Origin loudspeaker is 4.6 I (1.40 m), giving the low frequency range exceptional power and truly remarkable intelligibility. And they do so even in smaller spaces, as well.
The speaker system is extremely efficient and purposeful, stepping forward to play its role as part of the Askja Origin System with a perfect combination of authority and finesse, effortless dynamic expression and lifelike presentation of a live performance, all in faithful service and respect to the recording.