Interesting peek into the production of the B by BASSOCONTINUO line of audio racks, that give you the chance to personalize your rack: ACCORDEON / ACCORDEON XL4, with more than four thousands combinations.
Here is the detailed process and the first steps into the leather workshop work.
LEATHER CUTTING: each hides are checked to avoid defects or small holes, then using custom carton shape we proceed to optimize the leather performance and we cut the panel and side edges.
STITCHING: the edges are stitched with the panel. The double contrast stitches are made by machine but the worker doesn’t use any guideline.
UPPER SIDE: the stitched cover is mounted on the high density fiberboard panel, glued and stretched to avoid any fold or imperfection.
BACK SIDE: the shelf is overturned and the worker proceed to staple the leather. He checks each tolerance on the corners and put the glue under the leather.
LATO INFERIORE: il pannello viene rovesciato e si procede a puntare i primi lembi di pelle. Si controlla che ogni angolo sia perfettamente centrato e si lascia che la colla agisca per circa due ore.
BACK SIDE: after two hours he can removes the temporary clips and he starts to fix the leather on the shelf.
BACK SIDE: the leather cover is completely fixed with the staple gun (it shoots one staple every two centimeters of leather along the entire panel)
BACK SIDE: into the center of the back side, we put a microfiber layer with a double function: to upholster the remaining panel part and to cover the fixing staples.
BACK SIDE: when the microfiber is glued, the worker inserts a finishing profile between leather and microfiber to guarantee a perfect aesthetic result on the back side as well. Nothing is left to chance.
UPPER SIDE: we cut the leather into the center of the shelf, following a guide line, to accept the contrast center panel (glass, carbon fiber, alutex etc.)
UPPER SIDE: the leather square is removed from the panel
UPPER SIDE: we stretch the leather and fix with metal clips (as for the back side). A special groove avoid any problem with the clips and glass center panel.
UPPER SIDE: thanks to guide lines we proceed by handmade leather cut to obtain four holes for the metal parts.
UPPER SIDE: into the holes we glued a leather ring to cover the high density fiberboard and to level the thickness of the tie rods.
UPPER SIDE: the perfection of the double stitches! the worker did it without any automatic guide line.
LATO SUPERIORE: la perfezione della doppia cucitura a contrasto si può notare facilmente da questa immagine. L’addetta alle cuciture effettua l’operazione a vista, senza alcuna guida automatica.
UPPER SIDE: the shelf is read to accept the glass on the next department. Into the hollow we put a special black silicon (humidity proof) and the shelf must to rest at least 24 hours.
LATO SUPERIORE: il ripiano è pronto per il montaggio del vetro e passa al reparto successivo. L’incavo viene invaso da serpentine di una speciale colla siliconica nera e il pannello centrale viene lasciato 24 ore a riposare.
BACK SIDE: at the end of the last quality control, the worker who followed the shelf from the beginning, place a small tablet with the signature to guarantee his job.
LATO INFERIORE: terminato il montaggio e il controllo di qualità finale, l’operatore che ha seguito il ripiano dall’inizio alla fine del processo, appone una targa con la propria firma a garanzia del lavoro effettuato.