Bluemoon Audio Technology writes: “An innovative product able to improve all two channel audio systems has been created by the designers of BLUE MOON Audio T.
Piantini and Fazzini are not new to embrace innovation in the way Music is listened to. Consider, for example, the LS3 (Line Source), monumental loudspeakers with special lateral wings to orient the emission in environment, or the modular system used in the ML speakers (Modular Loudspeaker) (extra modules that can be added to make the result better without changing the whole speaker). Consider also, on one hand, their use of woofers in separate boxes in order to position them in the most convenient way and, on the other, their adoption of two potentiometers on the power amplifiers dedicated to multi-amplification so that the emission of low frequencies can be adjusted avoiding additional supports or scarcities in low range. Finally, as far as the listening of audio files, Piantini and Fazzini chose a special way able to maintain the idea of ‘possession’ (7 years ago they were among the first to launch their file reader in Italy) with an archive consisting of 80,000 songs, creating a selection of the best stereo recordings present in the Dream Box.”
However, Stereo PLUS is even a greater innovation. Let us see what it is.
Characteristics of the Stereo PLUS System
How it works
Stereo PLUS extracts the ambience information included in stereo signals (and thus in every two channel audio files present in the listening room) and sends it to the speakers through appropriate treatments. In this way, a sound event decisively near to reality is recreated.
Stereo PLUS does not elaborate Multichannel signals, but it treats exclusively stereo signals.
More credible reproductions are provided respect to those ones created by excellent audio systems because the speakers reproduce the real sensation typical of live performances, concerts or the recordings in the listening rooms.
In common stereo systems the environment information is mixed with the reproduction despite the best systems can separate the different perspective levels in depth. Therefore, a higher sensation of credibility of the sound message is perceived.
After many decades, finally, STEREO PLUS provides a new approach to stereo listenings.
From today on audiophiles can experience the sound event with a strong involvement, always respecting the way the stereo signal has been recorded.
Stereo PLUS uses more speakers in environment (minimum 2) in addition to the two front ones present in every system.
The special speakers created by BLUE MOON AUDIO are just 13 cm deep and can be hung like paintings.
These speakers, called Wall, have small volumes being woofers not necessary (they are in the front speakers).
Moreover, Stereo PLUS system is provided with a multi channel integrated amplifier with adjusted volume (through a remote control) to be inserted in its audiophile rack, as well as with an audio processor that will be adjusted before the system is delivered according to the characteristics of the listening space.
The audio signal is picked up from the preamplifier (or the DAC) of the system and sent to the audio processor; once processed, it passes to the Stereo PLUS multi channel integrated amplifier and then to the speakers.
It is important to underline that the signal destinated to the front speakers is not affected by this process; these speakers are driven by the amplifier housed into the system.