‘Come Sweet Death’ Virgil Fox, Jean-Paul IMBERT!

The video starts quietly then gets loud in the middle. High dynamic range. Virgil Fox’s interpretation of JS Bach’s ‘Kom Susser Tod’ performed by concert organist and music professor Jean-Paul Imbert, of Paris. (Direction by Jake Purches) This is a video recording taken during the recording of Jean-Paul Imbert’s new CD ‘Pasacaglia’ on the organs of Kevelaer Basilika, Germany. Jean-Paul Imbert studied in Paris with Pierre Cochereau and Jean Guillou and himself a teacher to a generation of international organists over the past 40 years.  

The large Seifert organ in the St. Mary’s Basilica in Kevelaer boasts over 10,000 pipes,  149 speaking stops (not counting borrowings!) on four manuals and pedal. The casework is 14 meters in height an 9 meters in width; the organ is 10 meters deep.From 1979 to 1981 the instrument was thoroughly overhauled by the Romanus Seifert company in Kevelaer.  In 1987 three horizontal chamade reeds – Tuba magna 16’, Tuba mirabilis 8’ and Cor harmonique 4’ – were installed behind the main case. These stops took the form of copies of the chamade ensemble of the Cavaille-Coll organ in the basilica of Sacre-Cœur in Paris. They blend superbly into the tonal scheme of this gigantic symphonic organ. In 2002 the Antiphonal division was finally reconstructed. In 2017 a brand new 32 foot contra bass rank was installed and is featured in this video.

Audio and video produced by Jake Purches of Base2 Music. The CD ‘Pasacaglia’ will be out in May/June 2019. See www.base2music.store for details. Video © Jake Purches Base2 2019 all rights reserved.