Phantom Of The Opera
Our Kurt Lassen visits Sound Concept to find out the real impact of the Devialet Phantom speakers…
I have read all the rumours about the new Devialet Phantom speakers. It should be able to play 1200 W, go down to 20 Hz and be easy to set up! Oh, I´d just forgot to mention, there are no cables involved, except the (yellow) power cable. These specs sounds to be good to be true, no one in my club of Hifi buddies would think that a speaker/amp within this price range could provide these facts. Neither me…
Pre Amp
Streaming device
Good looking piece of art, with a VERY big WAF (Wife Acceptance Factor).
And things I probably forgot to mention
Sound Concept, in the centre of Copenhagen, is housing some recording studios, some PH furniture, a great vinery, meeting rooms… And the Show room for Deviate and the new Phantom speaker.
I was offered a warm welcome by the owner Morten Eskildsen and his charming wife, and some cold water, a good cup of coffee and some interesting stories about the history of this old charming house in the middle of the old Copenhagen centre. They do house some PH (Poul Henningsen) furniture and some gorgeous pianos, a big wall with wine…
They have a “mono” Phantom setup, but I found the stereo setup more interesting. Two Phantoms, a “Dialog” streaming box and an iPhone was all there was.
I was seated and listened to music streamed from this small setup, and was surprised to say the least. The sound was very homogenous and when some low frequency instruments where present, the bass speakers moved several centimetres but without the Phantom´s moving one millimetre. Morten asked me to put on my hand on the speakers while this was going on, and I could not feel one single resonance on the cabinets itself. And the sound of the bass? Just awesome and way deeper then I´d imagined. Several times I was looking for a sub woofer somewhere, but there was´t any! But also vocals, strings, violins, and some Opera where all played with a consistent soundstage, all this from an iPhone and these small Phantom´s.
While I was listening, a young guy showed up with some coffee cans in his hands, on the way to the recording studios. He asked Morten Eskildsen, if they could have a listen later on, when the new album was finished in the mastering process. By the way it was the lead singer of Danish band Dúné which are working full time on their next album downstairs. And of course they want to check the sound on a high class system. wants to thank Morten Eskildsen and his wife for this exceptional demo. It is quite clear: The Future Has Begun.
Text and photos: Kurt Lassen
Sound Concept
Copenhagen Design House
Bredgade 6
1260 København K