Engström Statement Power-Amp at Munich High End 2017…
Named after the Swedish choir conductor, Eric Ericson, who has influenced a world of singers, Engström is honored to introduce a truly unique amplifier for the passion of music.
With two separate power supplies in each mono block and using the modern triode output tube T-100 from renowned KR, Engström is taking the music further from what others are doing through 211 or 845.
ERIC is a triode tube, transformer coupled, no feedback, PP, 70 wpc, mono block power amplifier with the Scandinavian sound of Engström.
ERIC is designed from the demand on power in combination with open playful musicality.
Engström is also launching the new redesigned MONICA mk2 pre-amplifier. A thorough rebuild of the volume control that further expose the quality and sound of the MONICA design. MONICA is a two box, fully balanced tube pre-amp with power supply and blue tooth remote technology in one box and the fully analogue music domain in a separate box. The Engström iOS remote app makes MONICA a truly contemporary product while still placing music quality first.
Visitors to the Munich High End 2017 will find Engström in room, Atrium 4.2 F219.
Engström are accompanied and performing together with Marten Coltrane 3, incorporating their latest crossover technology premiered, TotalDac 1d-twelve reference DAC and server, Solid Tech support systems, Engström/Bibacord cables, all new specially designed for the Engström electronics.
The ERIC power-amp from Engström will also be playing in the Marten room, Atrium 4.2 F214, where Marten will premier their all new Coltrane Tennor 2 speaker.