Expressimo Audio A1 Series turntable with Remote Control VTA / SRA NEW

Expressimo Audio The A1 Series seems to be the very first turntable with REMOTE CONTROL VTA / SRA ARM POD. With the Remote control VTA / SRA armpod, with just a push of a button, from your chair, dial your VTA up or down .001thousands at a time, or holding the button down VTA can be dialed in for the perfect listening experience. Arm Pod also has a dial indicator so you will know where your at…
First off, if you set 92 / 91 ½ degrees by microscope or by ear you will always need to move VTA from record to record or from the outside of the record to the inside of record. Most records are not flat. They can be out as much as .015 + thousands from the outside to the inside. You can hear .005 thousands of VTA Movement easily.

Records are not only flat they come in different thickness, from 150 160 180 200 grams from .045 to .100 + thousands thick . Now just think about this for a minute with me. My Mongoose 12 inch arm at 1 degree movement measures .209 thousands. So .052 thousands = 15 minutes of 1 degree, .052 thousands is a lot of movement of VTA. 

There is also VTF, The Mongoose arm has a ultra fine VTF adjustment which again can be heard. .010 .015 of a gram can be heard easily.  Developing a remote control arm pod, involves a TON of MATH and Geometry. It is said that a good instrument with harmonic PLAYS ITSELF. And they really do…