HiEnd fuses from Germany

From Andreas Jungblut, who together with his father Michael is one of Germanys pioneers with tweaks and well-tested Hi End equipment on their company Audiophile Hifi-Produkte, we received three different fuses to be mounted in the Klangmodul III G (G=Vergoldet=Gold surface). The fuses I was sent was: 16 A gold, silver or pure polished copper.
The Klangmodul is ment to supersede your existing fuse holder in your house. For many years I have had the privilege to have the Klangmodul mounted in both my old and my new apartment. If you (or better let your local electrician do the job) install this inexpensive device, you are favored with a smoother and accurate sound with more low level details. As I don´t watch much TV I cannot speak for myself, but I know of people who tell that even their TV set has a better contrast after the instalation of the Klangmodul.
So now I just received three fuses (see pictures) to mount in the Klangmodul. As there is quite some delay changing from one fuse to the other and powering up the whole system (computers and stuff which I normally use for music listening these days), I can not definitely judge a 100% which one suits my taste better. I can tell though, that I might think that the silver version is slightly more one dimensional and a tad more upfront. The copper version is good, and more balanced, I´d say. The gold version is the winner in my system, the sound is more openwide, more relaxed yet more precise. I can hear more depth in the sound stage, despite if the songs are HIRes, MQA´s or just 44/16. The Gold version stays, the other ones are good, but now only for backup use.

PS It´s quite cool that changing a small fuse can have an impact to your sound system. But they are Highly recommended!
The fuses can be found at: here
Audiophile Hifi-Produkte
Text and photos: Kurt Lassen