Dear iCLUB member,
A huge and very warm welcome to the iFi iCLUB.
We hope you enjoy being part of the iFi family for many years to come.
For you, we have planned a number of industry “firsts”
Please click on the introduction video where you can meet our concierge team:
Please feel free to bookmark: ifi-audio.com/iclub for the very latest blog updates/developments as they arise.
Through our Customer Relationship Management System (CRM) iclubcrm.ifi-audio.com each of you will be assigned your personal concierge as the “iFi contact” for all things iFi/audio related. We will endeavour to look after you.
The main benefits to being an exclusive member of the iClub are:
First iCLUB blog with info on iCLUB philosophy, program details, member privileges
Free gifts such as the upcoming DSD EP by David Elias and other downloads by iFi artists
Our concierge will keep in touch with you regarding:
Input in design/development of new products. This stems from the fabulous launch of the micro iDSD which was Crowd-Designed
Testing of beta/access to upcoming products. Eg. Such as the Retro LS3.5A speakers (please liase with the concierge team, geographical limitations do apply)
Gatherings in major cities – meet the iFi network of staff, distributors and retailers. Eg upcoming RMAF
iCLUB membership card (to easily identify yourself at the iFi events)
Plus future iFi accessories and gifts and many more things that we have yet to announce
We cannot convey how excited we are by the launch of the iCLUB.
While we manufacture some quite special audio products – from the iPurifier to the upcoming flagship mini iDSD – from the bottom of our hearts your involvement in the iCLUB really does contribute to our developing some truly special products for the world to enjoy – and who is to say we all enjoy the fun while doing it?
Yours sincerely
iFi staff and directors