Ikigai Audio Decoupling Feet

Ikigai Audio writes: “New equipment decoupling feet alert. We are excited to announce following product series as an expansion to our portfolio in Munich.
Last year we worked hard to achieve this goal. In IKIGAI audio tradition we will have three levels: SUGURE, KANGAI and KINZAN.

The SUGURE is a single layer, aluminum foot, carrying six ceramic balls with suspension. Being 65mm in diameter and 28mm in height, it has a beautiful look and feel. Each foot can carry approximately 5kg.

The KANGAI is also a single layer, has the same size and has an equal amount of ceramic balls, but made out of a special brons alloy which has beautiful self anti vibration characteristic. Although being the same size, the weight is a lot higher. Each foot weighs a hefty 500grams!

The KINZAN is a triple layer foot. It has the same diameter but is a little higher, 45mm to be precise. Due to this, the weight rises to more than 900 grams for each foot. It also caries 12 ceramic balls with suspension, which give you an extended equipment support up to 10kg for each foot.

The structure of the foot is self damping due to the multiple layers and sizes. The middle layer is also made out of a different material to make it a layered damping construction.

Each foot has a beautiful Walnut inlay on the top and the bottom which contributes in the layered damping structure.

Each foot also comes with two discs, top and bottom, to enhance system stability.

Sound wise they fulfill the IKIGAI checkboxes, making your music sounding more relaxed, less listening fatigue. The image is weider and deeper with better texture. Decay of instruments is longer and easier to follow.

We aim to ship half Q4 worldwide thru our dealer network.

Stay tuned for more info on this new product series!