Inakustik LS-2404 speaker cable reference selection

It is a long way from the sound source to the ear. It starts somewhere in the world in one of the mines in which copper ore is mined. From there the material is delivered to Germany, liquefied in melting pots in copper smelting plants in northern Germany and separated from impurities like phosphorus and iron. Only then is it poured into bars. But the raw copper is not yet suitable for electronic applications. 
In order to create the purest possible, most conductive copper, the valuable raw material must first be placed in an electrolysis bath. The oxygen-free copper is again melted down, poured into a copper wire approxi- mately 10 millimetres thick and wrapped into coils. In strict quality control tests, material samples are then examined and sorted according to their purity. 
For Referenz Selection, only select, highly pure batches are used. Only after this pure material is found in elaborate processes is the copper drawn to the required diameter in several stages in the wire-drawing mill and later provided with our DUO-PE II insulation in a German cable mill. After that it is stranded with air-filled PE tubes and enveloped with the PE network jacket. And after all of this has happened, it comes to us – to in-akustik in Ballrechten-Dottingen – for the final steps and finishing. 
With the LS-2404 we have moved on to the fourth generation of Referenz speaker cables. The improvement in sound from the high-speed hollow conductors introduced in the third generation was so overwhelming that we have further refined and optimised the technology. In addition to the waveguide design, where the individual copper wires are arranged around a polyethylene core, in the fourth generation the copper wires are lacquered as insulation from each other. This prevents chaotic and undefined contact between the copper wires, which might otherwise lead to uncontrolled eddy current. As well as this, the new cables are characterised by extremely low inductivity. A total of 24 Super Speed waveguides are wound through the LS-2404. They form a multi-core structure where the magnetic fields of the forward and return conductors caused by the signal current cancel each other out, thus significantly reducing unwanted inductivity.