Innuos PULSAR Debuts At Axpona 2023.

PULSAR is the newest Innuos product and represents the flagship model of the PULSE series of network music players. While PULSAR has been mentioned previously, North America will be the first place to actually hear the PULSAR at the Axpona show in Room 1410 from 14 – 16 April, 2023. 

The PULSE Network Music Player series consists of three players: PULSEmini, PULSE and PULSAR, that are perfect for music lovers who mostly want to play music from HiFi streaming services like Qobuz and TIDAL, or who just want another zone in their home connected to their main music server.
Beneath its sleek exterior, PULSAR has a custom ARC6 module with acBve recBficaBon, over 130000 μF of Mundorf capacitors, a large inductor and a massive 300VA audio-grade toroidal transformer.
PULSAR has an opBmized USB output to take sound quality to the PULSE Series’ highest level by incorporaBng a PhoenixUSB Lite Reclocker. The reclocker is powered by a custom CX Regulator Module and provides a smooth yet fast and detailed sound.
The innuOS OperaBng System’s SSD in the PULSAR is also upgraded to a SLC (Single-Level Cell) module, as opposed to the more common TLC (Triple-Level Cell) for the best durability and lower operaBng power noise. The SSD is also powered by a custom CX Regulator Module.
In addiBon, visitors will be able to listen to the Innuos PULSAR for the first Bme ever, request music tracks, and experience the Sense app while hearing the PULSAR or the flagship STATEMENT Music Server/Streamer with Next-Gen Power Supply.
The featured system in Room 1410 includes the Innuos PhoenixNET audiophile-grade network switch delivering a steady data stream to the Innuos PULSAR and STATEMENT. A pair of Magico A5 speakers will render the music for listeners and they will be driven by an MSB Technology Premiere DAC and Vinnie Rossi BRAMA integrated amplifier. The Mains block is provided by a PS Audio P15, cables will be from Kimber Kable. A Quadraspire SV2T rack will host all the components.
Key members of the Innuos team will be at the show to take quesBons and demonstrate, including Kevin Jackson, North America Sales Manager and Steven Gomes, Head of Sales.
More details about the Innuos products at Axpona are available on the Innuos website: STATEMENT with Next-Gen Power Supply:
PhoenixNET Audiophile-grade Network Switch – h
Show information and details can be found at


Innuos was founded in 2009 to upend convenBonal thinking about digital music as a source, and engineer innovaBve, arlul HiFi products that deliver unexpected warmth and accuracy – products that unleash the full potenBal of digital music playback. At Innuos, we are driven to go far beyond simple “ones and zeros.” Innuos products elevate music enjoyment by offering true audiophile performance. We believe remarkably high-quality audio and ease-of-use are essenBal parts of any memorable music experience. Through precise matching of bespoke hardware and in-house developed sopware, Innuos music servers, streamers and more, conBnue to prove that digital music sources can sBll be pushed to new levels.