There is lot of discussions regarding this “esoteric” phenomena on the net, but this device is finally brining the 432Hz to a commercial product. The 432 in 432 EVO stands for 432 Hz as one of the frequencies, that can be used for tuning musical instruments. Klinkt Beter implemented this software processor, that brings more positive and peaceful feeling to the music.
Welcome to the new site of the 432 EVO, the first handmade-in-Belgium 432 Hz music server. The EVO can rip your CD’s, play your existing files up to 24/384 PCM and DSD64 & DSD128 files, all in the better sounding A=432 Hz tuning. Live switching between 440 en 432 Hz. The 432 EVO suppports HDMI AUDIO up to 192K and USB 2.0 output compatible with most USB dacs. High-end options with dual linear supply are also available, with a dedicated USB 3.0 low noise low jitter output. 1 TB silent storage for 3000 CD’s (2 TB version also available), easy extendable by an external NAS.