LessLoss Laminar Streamer update

The Laminar Streamer features LessLoss Direct Drive OS, custom built for the very best digital audio performance. SD Cards which contain .wav or .aif files can be played by this system. Other digital formats cannot be played by this system due to the additional processing they require, thus adding noise to the outcome.
The operating system can be updated by downloading the new version from the internet and placing the file onto an SD card, then inserting the SD card into the Laminar Streamer.
The price for the Laminar Streamer has been set at 91,191 USD and includes international shipping within its custom moulded shipping crate. Dealer inquiries are welcome. A special offer will be made at the show for attendees only.

The Laminar Streamer’s heavyweight Panzerholz & steel design perfectly expresses the sonic virtues of smooth and authoritative sound quality. Virtually no resonance whatsoever is found at any point of the device.

Outputs include S/PDIF, AES/EBU, and I2S. An expansion port is foreseen for a future remote control station, whose electrical contacts are optically decoupled to ensure no noise enters from there to the sensitive circuitry within the Laminar Streamer.