Lunae Mons Research writes: “For too long, the audio industry has been focused on measurements and numbers, rather than the actual experience of listening to music. As a result, many amplifiers sound great on paper, but fall flat in the real world. That’s where I come in. My name is Miguel, and I’m the founder of Lunae Mons Research. I design single-ended amplifiers that prioritize musicality and emotion over technical specifications. But how do I do it? I start by throwing out the rulebook. Mapping subjective assertions to objective measurements, finding the missing links.
I care about creating an amplifier that makes you feel something (and explain you why it does so). Something that moves you, connects with you, and brings music to life. At Lunae Mons Research, we explore the boundaries of what’s possible, pushing past the limits of what others have done. We’re not interested in creating just another amplifier, we crave on creating our own set of objective measurement standards, based upon critical listening by a panel of well trained subjectivists. In other words we’re interested in creating a masterpiece – not by chance, luck or artistry alone. something that will transport you to another world every time you listen to it.”
Photos courtesy of Lunae Mons Research