A few insights of the Magico Ultimate III speakers based ultra-high-end audio system being upgraded and optimized by Présence Audio Conseil. Jérémy Présence writes: “We first installed four ISOTEK mains processing with two EVO3 GENESIS to power the various sources as well as the SOULUTION preamplifier and two EVO3 SUPER TITAN 20 amps to supply the four SOULUTION power blocks and the active subwoofers of the Magico Ultimate III speakers.

The phono preamplifier has also evolved, the SOULUTION 755 model replacing the old but already very powerful 750. The mains cables also evolved, as well as the cable between the preamplifier and the active filter and the one which goes from the DAC SOULUTION 760 to the preamplifier. CRYSTAL ULTIMATE DREAM cables took the place of CRYSTAL ABSOLUTE DREAM to go even further in sound realism!

A double linear PLIXIR Elite BDC 6A power supply replaces the original power supplies of the MELCO S100 audiophile switches. A significant upgrade, this power supply makes it possible to optimize the work of these switches and thus bring more fluidity, information, and scale to the system from the songs played by the network player.

All electronics are installed on CRITICAL MASS SYSTEMS Center Stage2 supports. These supports make it possible to completely decouple the electronics from the furniture by absorbing the induced vibrations, there is no transmission of these vibrations from one support to another. Extremely efficient, the Center Stage2 supports are now fitted as standard on electronics from the Swiss brand SOULUTION.

To complete this optimization, we installed the FURUTECH NCF BOOSTER cable supports. They make it possible to optimize the contacts of the mains cables with the electronics to avoid any vibrations and avoid electrostatic charges. The contribution of these accessories translates into an even cleaner sound, with more detail, but also more body.

Présence Audio Conseil

10 rue des Filles du Calvaire 

75003 PARIS

telephon number: 01 44 54 50 50