Merging Technologies NADAC DAC

As requested here complete and elaborated info about the latest Merging Technologies NADAC DAC from Switzerland…
Merging Technologies introduces the revolutionary, the first Network Attached DAC. Supporting all resolutions up to 384kHz PCM, DXD and 11.2MHz DSD (Quad-DSD) with superb specifications, NADAC comes with a choice of three versions to suit all situations: MERGING – NADAC, NADAC -2 NADAC -8 NADAC -16, 2 channels DAC for the ultimate Stereophile converter on XLR and RCA 8 channels DAC for 5.1/7.1 multichannel Music on XLR and RCA 16 channels DAC for 3D Immersive Audio formats on RCA. Each model offers in input an Ethernet port to connect to any server, player or streamer on the network, an AES pair, a coaxial SPDIF, an optical SPDIF, a Wordclock and a DC power supply connector for an optional external power supply. 
NADAC connects on the network using the Ethernet based RAVENNA protocol to any Music Server, Player or Streamer supporting ASIO on Windows, CoreAudio/DoP on MacOSX and through a direct RAVENNA connection on Linux. 

The Precision Time Protocol (PTP2 or IEEE 1588-2008) is at the heart of the RAVENNA protocol, ensuring an ultimate clock precision of one nanosecond and a full compatibility with the AES Audio-over-IP standard AES67.

The flexibility of RAVENNA allows for the NADAC to easily connect from the front panel menu to any Music Server, Player or Streamer on the network and receive multichannel PCM, DXD or DSD. The main outputs and the headphones outputs of NADAC can connect to different playlists or zones, or even different server, player or streamer, allowing for instance to preview your next song on the headphones while listening to your current track on the main outputs. 
Multiple NADAC on the network can connect to the same or to different playlists or zones, from the same Music Server, Player or Streamer, or to a different one, located anywhere in your building. 
NADAC offers a built-in web server for convenient remote control of the output level and source selection of the main outputs and headphones from any web browser, tablet or smartphone. 
Revolutions and Evolutions 
While Mozart or The Beatles created their own musical revolution, there has been in parallel throughout the history of music technical revolutions that allowed composers to invent these new musical styles and engineers and manufacturers to revolutionise the way we listen to our favourite music. The recording and reproduction makes no exception and music has seen many revolutions since the wax cylinder and each development allowed evolutionary improvements to occur. More recently the move from analog to digital dramatically changed how we listen to music. Mono to stereo to multichannel to immersive audio, all change the appreciation and perception of our favourite music. Even though there are some that love vinyl or analog tapes, we can say that multiple channels of digital audio are a reality of today. The flexibility with which we access music content today if also a new reality. The move from physical media to downloads and streaming was revolutionary but we lost the quality. Now with improved Internet speeds, we can reclaim what we lost and go beyond physical media. 
Who are we? 
Merging Technologies has been at the forefront of high quality audio since the company was founded almost 25 years ago. Whilst the name may not be familiar to many, Merging is justly famous in the world of professional audio for providing tools to recording and mastering engineers worldwide. Merging produces an audio workstation called Pyramix, which is the preferred recording, editing and mastering solution for those involved in High Resolution Audio. Swiss engineering excellence has recently been employed on a new range of Networked Audio Converters that have set new standards of sonic perfection and ergonomic, the Horus and Hapi family. 
NADAC, Network Attached DAC, derived from the Horus and Hapi family, is a logical progression for Merging. We are not unique in offering DSD capable DACs but we are unique in giving you the sound quality of the recording session. In addition we are creating our own revolution by introducing networking with sufficient channels to properly reproduce immersive audio formats such as Auro-3D® and Dolby Atmos. We can bring our expertise and award winning technology into any home and offer you advantages that you might only dream about. 
Networked Audio 
The modern world depends on networks. NADAC uses standard components to offer a new level of flexibility and ergonomic: multi-zone, multi-sources connection, separate source for the headphones, long distance connection, sharing of the DAC, decoupling the server in the basement and the DAC in the loft, to name only a few scenarios. Any connected device in the home can be routed to NADAC and multiple NADAC can listen to any or the same devices, zones or playlists. The huge bandwidth of Gigabit Ethernet allows for a large number of very high-resolution signals plus control information to be managed in an intuitive way. The RAVENNA network technology we employ is specifically designed for audio, with ultra-accurate precision clocking, low latency and high reliability. It has been used on countless recordings, international sporting events and concerts that have been transmitted all over the world. It works as reliably as storing your files in the Cloud or transferring money across continents, and guarantees that the highest quality is properly carried between all network attached equipment. 
DSD and DXD 
DSD is regarded by many as the ultimate in digital fidelity and is the most “analog” of digital delivery formats. Merging has been developing solutions for DSD since the inception of the Super Audio CD in 2000, delivering ever-improving DSD workflows for the professional community. First DSD256 (11.2 MHz sampling or Quad-DSD) recordings were made in 2013 with Merging equipment and have been acclaimed by many top engineers and producers as another revolution in audio recording and reproduction. Despite its many advantages from the audio perspective, DSD is difficult to process. The solution was another Merging Technologies development. 
DXD, Digital eXtreme Definition, was created by Merging Technologies to seamlessly move a DSD file into a PCM world so that editing and processing can take place more easily. 352.8kHz at 24bit resolution far exceeds usual PCM quality so it was no surprise to see it being adopted as a recording format in its own right. Merging is still the only company able to offer a really flexible and practical solution for recording in true High Resolution Audio. 
MERGING-NADAC: The ultimate path from Mozart to You 
Award Winning Technology 
Merging is immensely proud to see our users winning prestigious awards year after year. A Grammy® is the pinnacle of anybody’s career in recording. Every year, Merging recordings feature in a multitude of categories and 2015 will be no exception. Almost every nomination in the classical and many of the nominated mastering categories are for sensational recordings that started and finished on Pyramix and our Networked Audio Converters, Hapi and Horus. 
NADAC finally allows you to hear music precisely as it was recorded, mastered and monitored by the award winning sound engineers. 
That is a revolution ! 
The Network: 
L R 
AES67 AES3 12345678