Aries Cerat Ianus Series is getting it’s debut with the launch of it’s flagship model, the Geminae. Stavros Danos writes: “The Ianus Series is our showcase of our proprietary TriodeFet technology, and is promising to offer a fourth dimension to the tube vs SS vs hybrid battle.This technology works neither as SS,tube or hybrid topology. The resulting “active element” acts like a true triode, with current  like characteristics of a transistor.This new element is the key that opens up the possibility to design circuits that were not previously possible using tube or SS output devices.”
“The top model, the Geminae, delivers 130W @8ohm 260W @4ohm while never leaving true Class A operation ,even at very low loads.
It is heavily biased at 12A idle, and it’s OTL TriodeFet output stage is working as a floating circlotron.
The Series is getting a sibling very soon, with even more unique traits.”