New Bassocontinuo Audio AEON X Carbon Fiber Rack

Bassocontinuo writes: “A visionary prolect started In 2020: Improve a serles of oblects that have been a benchmark for almost seven years In the world of premlum racks. The evolution of composite materlals technology, the creative genus of Christoph Nussbaumer, a team of experlenced techniclans and engineers and our long-time experlence In the flght agalnst vibration, made It possible to create products that were unthinkable until a few years ago. After almost two years of research and hard work we are proud to present a new benchmark: REVOLUTION X.”

“Back In 2015 we were the first to Introduce on the market a rack In structural carbon: to this day no one was able to Imitate It. In 2022 we launch on the market an oblect that demollshes and revolutionizes completely everything that shocked us at the time. The apparent stlffness of the monocoque frame actually hides a flexible soul which makes of AEON X the new benchmark on the market.”