A sneak peek at the Cees Ruijtenberg’s lab. He’s is working on the all new Roon streamer, that goes by the name Sonnet Digital Audio Hermes. “This streamer is based on the industrial version of the PI. No frills no video no nothing, just a processor. Even the network chip is not available but build on the board on the left side of the processor. Next you can see two empty places below the processor board which is for both oscillators. The coming weeks we have to try several types to get the best results. Outputs are coax, optical ,AES/EBU and I2S. I2S is based on our own approach and is using the typical impedance of an UTP cable. This approach needs a powerful transmitter and a dedicated receiver. Both are made to match to the cable impedance. As a result you can use 30 meters of cable without any loss or jitter of I2S data.“