Xavian writes: “Perla, our best selling compact loudspeaker, was appreciated by professionals and consumers worldwide since its launch in 2015. After more than 200 pairs manufactured comes its successor – Perla Esclusiva.”

It may not appear on first sight that this is a new model, but the important changes are inside. First change is that corpus is now made of solid Italian oak, the wood that´s even more sturdy and lasts longer – that´s the reason every single corpus gained more than 10% in weight.

“Perla Esclusiva is still a very kind two-way loudspeakers with front bassreflex, now stiffer and that combined with the crossover newly equipped with the top class Mundorf capacitors allowed us to tune the speaker even a bit lower to achieve even fuller sound, absolutely incredible for a speaker of this size and price.
Just touch Perla Esclusiva, have a sense of that mosaic oak, look at the new massive terminals from our more expensive models or focus on that decorative artificial pearl that´s fit in the rear panel – Perla Esclusiva is our materialized love for music.

This model is still friendly for installation in any home, exceptional serial crossover keeps perfect phase and custom AudioBarletta driver units made in Italy according to our design create harmonic and musical sound, that has no competition in its class.
Perla Esclusiva, that´s a fascination by music and euphoria in listening…”