PS Audio, maker of fine audio components since 1973,is excited to announce the European debut of the Bascom H. King Signature 250 Amplifier at the 2015 Munich High End show. The largest audio show in the world, the Munich show is open to both the trade and the general public. PS will be exhibiting in Atrium 4, 2.0G (2nd Floor), Room E221 at the Munich MOC convention center. The show runs from May 14-17, 2015, with May 14 being open only to the trade and press.
First shown in prototype form at the Rocky Mountain Audio Fest last October, the BHK Signature 250 and 300 amplifiers represent the culmination of the 50-year career of Bascom H. King, well-known as both a reviewer and as a designer for Infinity, Conrad-Johnson, Constellation—and now, PS Audio. The 250 is the stereo version, rated at 250 watts/channel into 8 ohms, and 400 watts/channel into 4 ohms. The 300 is a monoblock, rated at 300 watts into 8 ohms and 500 into 4 ohms, with double the current-capacity of the stereo version.
BHK Signature 250 and 300 amps both feature a triode front end followed by all-MOSFET circuitry, including the output stage. The BHK Signature Amplifiers are the first products in PS’ four-decade history to feature vacuum tubes, and began shipping in April. MSRP in the US market is $7499 per unit, for both the stereo and monoblock versions.
PS will demonstrate two systems: the main system will feature PS’ PerfectWave Memory Player transport and Paul McGowan’s personal server as sources, feeding the award-winning DirectStream DAC into the BHK Signature 250 Amplifier, which will drive Magneplanar 20.7 loudspeakers. The second system will feature Sprout, the all-in-one integrated amplifier recently featured on the covers of both Stereophile and Sound & Vision magazines, driving Golden Ear Aon 3 loudspeakers and Audeze headphones.
“We’re really pleased to bring the BHK to Europe,” said Paul McGowan, Founder and CEO of PS Audio. “This is not just a landmark product for PS; this is a landmark design, period. It is the best amplifier I’ve ever heard, in 50 years in music and audio, and we’re proud that it carries the PS logo.”
The Munich show also marks the launch of Roon, a software service which will change the way listeners interact with their music libraries and streaming services, created by the team of developers who previously created Sooloos. PS Audio is proud to be a Launch Partner with Roon Labs. More details of this innovative product will be released during the show.