Sonner Audio Speakers

Sonner Audio writes: “This is not just a picture of speaker models. It is Sonner’s design process. A great speaker has to start with a good 2-way design since the heart and soul of music frequency is produced by this 2-way speaker configuration.” 
“Sonner started the design process with cost no object Allegro 2-way stand mount (Black speaker on right). After perfecting Allegro, Sonner took Allegro’s design and technology to more attainable price Legato Unum stand mount (next to Allegro). The name Unum meaning one came to our mind since this speaker is the origin/reference to other Legato models. After finalizing Legato Unum stand mount, Sonner expanded the design to 2-way floorstanding called Legato Semis. Sonner took Legato Semis to next level by building Legato Duo. Instead of 3-way speaker design, Legato Duo is configured as a 2.5-way speaker to maintain the musicality and sound coherent of 2-way full range speaker with additional low frequency produced by the woofer. This 2.5-way Legato Duo honors the origin of Legato series, which is the 2-way Legato Unum. 
The multiple Editors’ Choice Awards for numerous speakers and from several publications is testament of Sonner’s design process.”
Because music has soul, soundstage and musician image.