SUPERSENSE Mastercut Video

SUPERSENSE writes: “Let us start with the official release of a tiny video which finally reveals all the revolutionary little secrets and details of these very unique music records, developed and produced here at our MASTERCUT studio/manufactory. Please be prepared to fall in love with maybe the most magic (but for sure most authentic) all analog records of all time (if you are not already).

Attention!! After watching this video it is very likely that you can not resist any longer to right away order a Mastercut record. Now, we also have some good news for you in this respect (and also if you already have ordered some of our newest editions):

We just finished the production of our brand new Archival Tape Editions number 8 and 9 and if you place an order today we can ship it to you within the very next days. Still we do have a small number available before also these editions will be sold out.”