“Raidho Acoustics will for the first time ever present the mighty TD-4.8 in USA at the annual Rocky Mountain Audio Fest, October 5th to October 7th 2018. The Raidho TD-4.8 is the first step into the future of the Raidho Tantalum- Diamond Technology, but definitely not the final step!”

“It is a huge step in the reproduction of music and how we experience the musical presence. It is all about getting closer to the music. A motto and a corner stone in the manufacturing of any Raidho speaker. Always looking in the horizon for new opportunities, new materials to explore, new technologies, all with one common objective; to improve the performance and to bring the listener even closer to the music.

“Please join us at the RMAF, room 1024 to experience The Raidho TD-4.8 – experiencing the pinnacle of musical reproduction!”
You will be able to listen to the TD-4.8 on the following hours:
Friday 5th:
From 3 pm to 6 pm
Saturday 6th: From 1 pm to 6 pm
Sunday 7th:
From 1 pm to 4 pm