Where I was in 1981? What music was I into, then… why I never listened to Tuxedomoon? Laziness… stupidity… both?!?
Why… possibly because I was loosing my collector’s energies after The Absolute Sound’s crappy audiophile super-discs, forgetting that also crappiest recording of great music is better than a superb recording of shitty music…
… and so I did…
The cover is rather unattractive… BUT the music, folks!!!
It’s the best of the best… the very best of the very best…
Television’s Marquee Moon… same sense of surprise, youthful energy, powerful minds steaming like a vessel…
Punk… rock… don’t know… those saxes and bass guitars layers… gothic voices, drum machines, USA, UK… Venus… naked, boundaries-less, free-form, rebetika from Greece, violins and saxes…
A dream disc…
I’m into it like a fish in a clear mountain lake, enjoying music deeply and intensely…
Where I was, back in 1981?
Girls… ok, fine… now, that love is an ideal, a mind-game more than sex… well, I feel me a-plenty of joy, during and after listening to Desire…
… with the strong desire to play it again and again…
Thanks Massimo.
P.S. – the recording is also to die for… so, to loose T.A.S.’ super disc list for never quoting this;-)))
Stefano Bertoncello
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