Benno Chief Designer for Raidho and Gamut loudspeakers has standardized on Top Wing phono products using the Seiryu as his development and demo cartridge for analog playback… “Hearing about the Top-Wing’s unique “Coreless straight flux technology” made me want to try it out for myself….”
“Not having the additional weight from either iron or coils mounted at the end of a cantilever makes totally sense to me, and I was eager to have the Blue Dragon cartridge put in my reference system for a closer audition. “
“My reference is my beloved Studer A80 reel to reel master tape machine, and I am always trying to get my vinyl setup to perform as close to this as possible. With the Blue dragon in my system, I immediately realized that my Vinyl setup had taken a huge step upwards, closing in on my master-tapes in a way I never thought possible.
The Blue Dragon is the most open and natural sounding cartridge I have ever heard, but the real treat is it’s dynamic and organic presentation which always put’s music first — just the way I like it! I found the sound from the Blue Dragon to be highly addictive and as such it has now taken it’s rightfully place as my new reference cartridge.
If you haven’t heard a Top Wing cartridge yet, then you a missing out on something very very special!
Benno Baun Meldgaard Ridho & GamuT