Today’s video shows a complete Totaldac system playing for New Year’s Eve 2021 in the Totaldac Auditorium with d150 anniversary speakers. Full specs after the jump.
- d1-player running Roon
- d1-streamer in Roon-Ready mode
- Totaldac ethernet cable/filters
- reclocker
- d1-twelve-mk2 DAC with UP12 AES-EBU cables
- live-power power supply
- custom power filter and power distributor
- Amp-1 amplifier, stereo version
- d150-anniversary speakers
- another Amp-1 amplifier for a custom subwoofer installed at the back of the room
Two Schoeps omidirectional microphones are used at the listening place.
- The DAC volume control is set to -13dB
Find the 96khz/24 audio file and more recordings here: