Totaldac will introduce three new products at the upcoming Munich High-End Audio Show 2022; d1-switch, d1-twelve-mk3 DAC, d100% wood speakers.
Full Totaldac system will be composed of:
-new d1-switch, the Totaldac ethernet switch
-Totaldac ethernet cable/filters
-reclocker d1-digital-mk2
– new d1-twelve-mk3 DAC with UP12 AES-EBU cables
-live-power power supply
-d1-driver monoblocs
-Amp-1 amplifier, stereo version
-RCA12 interconnects
-new d100% wood speakers
Vincent Brient writes: “Free entrance (get a FFP2 mask in case it would be required). Everybody will be welcome even on Thursday and Friday (which are professional days only at the High End show at the MOC). Saturday is for everybody for both the Hifideluxe and High End show.
Hifideluxe opening hours:
Thursday and Friday from 12.00 to 20.00
Saturday from 11:00 to 18:00
An appointment is sometimes possible before or after these official opening hours, just ask Totaldac.”
Totaldac will also be at the Munich HIGH END show, in a 74sqm room in the Atrium!
So You can listen two different Totaldac system in two different locations:
HIGH END show 2022
Totaldac will be at the High End show, Atrium 4.1, room F123 (a 74sqm room). Vincent will welcome you there.
Full Totaldac system composed of:
-new d1-switch, the Totaldac ethernet switch
-Totaldac ethernet cable/filters
-reclocker d1-digital-mk2
-new d1-twelve-mk3 DAC with UP12 AES-EBU cables
-live-power power supply
-d1-driver monoblocs
-Amp-1 amplifier, stereo version
-new d100%wood speakers