Trafomatic Audio Glenn Parallel Single Ended 300B mono amplifiers

Trafomatic Audio Glenn Parallel Single Ended 300B mono amplifiers are heading towards the Music2 audio import. “Glenn amplifiers are unique in the world of 300B amplifiers, these beauty’s can be switched to several plate dissipations (18-22-28 and 32 Watt) which makes sure you can run whatever 300B version on the market at its full potential: from Mesh Plate 300B’s (our favorite) up till 300B XLS.”

“Also the Feedback can be adjusted to your taste, 0 -1 -2 or -3 dB, what else do you need? In our opinion the Trafomatic Audio ‘’Glenn’’ mono amplifiers could become a game-changer in the 300B amplifier world, stay tuned, they will arrive soon!”