Latest picture of Trinity Audio flagship loudspeakers and a bit more info from Dietmar about variable radiation geometry…
The room/speaker system interface is the dominant factor in the ultimate sonic performance of the system. This fact has prompted us to design the system with a variable radiation geometry.
This variable radiation geometry has the following attributes :
1) It is optimised independently in the vertical and horizontal planes, for best room synergy.
2) In the low frequencies the radiation pattern can be horizontally varied from omnidirectional to cardioid to hyper-cardioid and the vertical lobbing can be also steered effectively . The main lobe can be “aimed” optimally , in consideration of the room characteristics and modes.
3) In the mid and high frequencies the horizontal radiation pattern can be varied from dipole to cardioid to hyper-cardioid and the vertical lobbing can be steered as well , to control floor and ceiling reflections.