Western Electric 300B tube update

“At the Rossville Works we’ve brought in more old friends and welcomed some new faces to help us ramp everything up to top-notch operation. Behind all of the training and orientation, finishing touches are being made on each of the major stations on the assembly line, from the glass room to the tube test set. “

300B pre-orders are just around the corner. Out of the many stages in the tube manufacturing process that have gotten us to this point, we’ve chosen to feature the test set in this month’s “On the Line” featurette, which you can watch below. This crucial step measures and records important characteristics of each tube, straight off the line. Think of it as a final exit exam for each 300B.
Outstanding performance is what sets Western Electric’s 300B apart from other manufacturers. Inside the box of each and every tube we ship is a card that gives each user direct, physical evidence of just that. 
We print these cards at a workstation saved for the very end of the assembly process. Tubes hot off the aging racks are placed in a computer controlled system that tests electrical parameters, records the results,  and assigns a serial number. The results are immediately printed on a card with a serial number that, of course, matches the one engraved on the base of its associated 300B. Each part of this testing process is original to Western Electric and  is programmed exclusively for the 300B. We record the results in a database and include them in the box to authenticate the end user’s experience and prove the 300B’s unmatched stability.