Wilson Benesch writes: “Today marks the first appearance of the new Resolution loudspeaker in Asia as the Hong Kong AV Show kicked off for the 2017 edition. The exhibition has been setup by officially appointed importer, Forthwise Ltd. who have built an incredible system around the Resolution, to include components from DS-Audio, Nagra and Tech DAS. The Resolution is also joined by two other Wilson Benesch loudspeaker models from the reference loudspeaker line, Geometry Series, with both Discovery II and the Vertex stand mounted loudspeakers on the end of a Nagra system.

Geometry Series carbon Fibre Resolution Loudspeaker Launch Asia Hong Kong AV Show 2017Geometry Series carbon Fibre Resolution Loudspeaker Launch Asia Hong Kong AV Show 2017.”
Main System Information
Wilson Benesch Resolution Loudspeaker
Wilson Benesch Carbon Fibre Loudspeaker Plinths
Tech DAS Air Force One Turntable
DS Audio Master 1 Cartridge
Nagra HD Power Amplifier
Nagra Classic Preamplifier
Nagra HD DAC
Nagra CDC CD Transport
Nagra MPS Power Supply

Second System Information
Wilson Benesch Discovery II Loudspeaker
Wilson Benesch Vertex Loudspeaker
Nagra Classic Integrated Amplifier
Nagra CD Player