The Bayz Audio Courante speakers arrived at Mono & Stereo headquarters. Yes, these are the speakers that won so many accolades and hearts at the recent high-end audio shows. Courante loudspeakers are the brainchild of Zoltán Bay, the designer with the most impressive history and family heritage, an owner of many patents and a person who truly loves the music and who won’t settle with anything mediocre. These most impressive speakers don’t look ordinary, they don’t sound like the conventional dynamic speakers and they don’t convey music like expected.
Like Zoltán Bay’s mindset, the Courante is offering a completely out of the box experience with lightning-fast speed transients, massive life-like energy formation, and instantly captivating sonic impact.
I like and love Zoltán’s extreme, cut no corners approach that reflects the striking aura of Pagani and Bugatti ultra-performing sports cars.
It took over 40 years of Bay’s painstaking R &S to create something extraordinary and the very result is astonishing sculptural work of art that for aesthetics alone deserves its place in the MOMA. On the sonic side, the one of a kind disappearing act and instant delivery of a raw, brutal and unaltered music message is utterly intoxicating.
Stay tuned for more soon. As always, here are a few of the initial photos.