Our friends at G Point Audio have some great news to share: “We would like to sneak for the first time for You some pictures of the latest development from our unmatched full range driver makers, German based AERLoudspeakers company. The latest and most beautifully shaped models are paying tribute to the ARTdeco period in an Art and Architecture. Sonic-wise superior to ALL other models that Filip Keller have had in his offer till date, and soon upcoming replacement for the AERPnoe horns. With the new R&D and significant changes applied to the dedicated drivers, we are getting a real Giant Killer here, with a domestic size, door friendly dimensions and tremendous extension of the bottom octave ability, not to mention enhancement of the rest of the fq range.”
“Ladies & Gentlemen let me present to You the new aerophon EXPERIENZ, the latest child of collaboration between the full Range world legend Filip Keller and Marcus Boldyreff  We are honored to be first to publish those news.“
More info and images to follow.