SOtM sMS-2000 Next Generation

The sMS-2000 is built based on SOtM’s very reputable qualified PC audio components, sMB-Q370, tX-USBx10G and sNI-1G, these main sources are all clocked by the superior performance of the sCLK-EX.

ince after released the sMB-Q370, there have been a lot of demands to fill up the vacancy of the server device, and it’s the time to show it up finally.
In HighEnd2024, we will run two digital front end at Atrium 4.2 room F217 with an incredible team of Egglestonworks, J.Sikora Turntables Doshi Audio and SOtM. And the other system will be demoed at A 4.2, F202(Absolare and Rockport technologies).